• growing your own food

    Keep Improving Your Situation

    There used to be a show on the television where they dropped two guys off in the middle of nowhere and saw if they could survive. One of them had a coin phrase and it was to “keep improving your situation.” Each day and sometimes each hour he’d look for ways to better his surroundings. Did he have water? Yes. Great. Now let’s work on shelter. Did he have shelter? Yes. Now let’s set some traps to get something to eat. To quote Disney, “He kept moving forward.” And that’s what we like to do here on the Farm. Do we have a garden planted? Great. Now, let’s look at…

  • Farm Life

    Getting To

    The wind howls, creeping up the spines of all who are unfortunate enough to be in her midst. And no one is. Not this early. Save one. Do you see her there, trudging along, breaking the path in the freshly-felled snow? Why! Just look at her! She’s not dressed for this weather! Is that? Yes. She’s still in her pajamas, with just a coat thrown on over top. No hat. No mittens. Not that they’ll do her any good. The cold water from the bucket’s sloshing to and fro—any mittens, should she have chosen to wear them, would be soaked straight through. And then frozen. Just like her hands appear…