Christmas Eve Tradition: Popcorn Balls
Enjoy this old-fashioned Christmas Eve tradition with your family. And they're surprisingly easy to make.
Christmas Craft: Handmade Ornaments
On the Farm, we make our gifts. No store-bought doo-dad will do–not so long as we have minds to plan and hands to make. And it’s something different each year. This year we went with S’mores Kits and Popcorn Balls (more on that tomorrow), Cross-stich Lovelies and these Ornaments, to top them all. To start with, you will need rounds of wood, with the bark still attached. Now, you can either buy these online or you can make your own. And to do that is this: go into your woods and find a branch about three inches in diameter, saw it down and cut it into pieces, about a half-inch…
Homemade Gift Idea: Stove-top Smore Kits
S’mores—that beautiful creation in which just-toasted marshmallow is rolled in chocolate and smooshed between sweetened cookies until it oozes out the side, bringing and melting the chocolate right along with it. Yes. The S’more. The Delight of any and all summer fireside chats and gatherings. But can it be had in the winter? Yes, I say. Yes. And Here is how.