keeping the farm home

  • keeping the farm home

    Cleaning of the Spring Sort

    The sky has had enough of Winter, like the rest of those who live on and around the Farm. It has decided to give the sun a bit of a chance to shine brightly down, and shine it does, right into the Farmhouse itself. “Have the windows always looked this grimy?” the Farmer’s Wife mutters to herself as she passes through the Kitchen. Hannah stops and looks at the scattered sunbeam. “Why does it look like that?” she asks. Her Mother points to the window, where fingerprints and smudges are smiling up at her. “That’s why. Those smudges have to go!” Hannah groans, rightly sensing this will somehow involve her.…

  • keeping the farm home

    Paper Pierced Quilting

    There was a class held the other day in which the Farmer’s Wife, Hannah, Mema, and their dear friend Debbie participated. It was held in the same building as the Farmer’s Fair each Summer. Yes, they were going to learn to quilt. As she made her way in, the Farmer’s Wife stole a side glance at the empty kitchen. All those pies! Her stomach grumbled. Not now, she told it. You must wait until Summer. There were tables set up in the room along the walls where the plugs were. All take their seats and set up their equipment, and by that, I mean their sewing machines, cutting mats, rotary…

  • keeping the farm home

    Christmas Craft: Handmade Ornaments

    On the Farm, we make our gifts. No store-bought doo-dad will do–not so long as we have minds to plan and hands to make. And it’s something different each year. This year we went with S’mores Kits and Popcorn Balls (more on that tomorrow), Cross-stich Lovelies and these Ornaments, to top them all. To start with, you will need rounds of wood, with the bark still attached. Now, you can either buy these online or you can make your own. And to do that is this: go into your woods and find a branch about three inches in diameter, saw it down and cut it into pieces, about a half-inch…