Farm Life

How life looks to us down on the Farm.

  • Farm Life

    Jonah McFaddin part 2: The Plan

    Three girls pile into the back seat with Hannah up front. She quickly turns to face them. “I brought a note to stick in Jonah’s locker.” Hannah waits for their reaction. It doesn’t take long. Three squeals of delight sound from the back, Mae’s being the loudest. “Let me see it!” Hannah hands them the Jonah Folder, in which is a folded piece of paper. Mae reads it out loud, “Jonah- I like your eyes. And your hair. Love, A secret someone. “Now,” Hannah instructs. “We need to watch him to see where his locker is, and once we find out…” The four girls divide the jobs. One is needed…

  • Farm Life

    Jonah McFaddin Part 1

    “What’s going on?” the Farmer’s Wife asks to no-one-in-particular. And it’s a good thing, too, because no one answers. No. They’re much too busy for that. She asks again. And then, finally, she adds a name to her inquiry. “Hannah. What’s going on?” The girl herself looks up at her Mother and shifts, leaving the group of giggling girls who have made themselves into a circle. “Jonah McFaddin, that’s what,” she whispers, like that will mean something to her Mother. But, apparently, it DOES mean something to the seven or so girls encircled just a foot away, because that incessant giggling begins again. In fact, it’s a bit louder than…

  • Farm Life

    Measuring Time

    The seedlings push up through the loose soil, a little more today than yesterday. Now. This is not a guess. It is a known FACT. And how is this, you might ask. Well. That’s simple. They are measured, that’s how. Oh. Just in time. There’s the Farmer’s Wife now, doing her measurements (Just as she does every day at this time, and also at nine and at three). Well, look at that bean–isn’t he just being re-dic-ulous? Yes, I should say he is. Puffing himself out like that–like the Farmer’s Wife won’t notice those types of shenanigans! And those tomatoes–do you see them–bending and swaying with the slightest breeze. Why,…

  • Farm Life

    The Runner

    And, in case any of you wanted a bit of a sneak peek of the next The Farmer and his Wife book (The Farmer and his Wife’s Second Year on the Farm, scheduled to be released in May of 2022), may I humbly present to you, the Runner: The Farmer’s Wife has taken up running, this very day. She’s purchased the shoes and the clothes. See her there as she stretches her arms and legs? That’s how she she’s getting ready. Wow. She gets ready better than anyone I know. It’s been fifteen minutes and she’s still stretching. Wait a minute. Is she stalling? We better go ask her before…

  • Farm Life

    A Right and Proper Tea Party

    To have a right and proper tea party, you must wear the right and proper clothing—and that means a gown, a hat, and gloves (yes, gloves). And not the kind you wear to make and throw a snowball or three. No, gloves for a right and proper tea party must be white and end just at your wrist—not an effective glove at all if you ask me, but absolutely essential for having a tea party. How else is your pinky finger to rise as you sip your tea? It is impossible otherwise. But we are getting ahead of ourselves. How you are dressed is important, surely, but not nearly so…

  • Farm Life

    First Week at Market

    This is the week Hannah and I begin going to Market. Oh and have we been busy! There were wool dryer balls to be rolled and spun, jellies to be jellied, veggie journals to be pulped and pressed and dried and assembled, and plans–oh the plans! This needs to go here and that needs to go there, and where or where should we put this? Our spare room is all aflutter–filled to the brim with good things set here and there. It was decided (during the plans, of course) that we would be bringing our Rhubarb (the very best kind, that only grows on the Farm), fresh herbs bundles of…

  • Farm Life

    Going to Market

    Yes. What you’ve heard is true. The Farmer’s Wife (along with her Hannah) will be headed off to Market this Spring/Summer. They will be going to The Next Town Over every other Sunday throughout the months of May through September. And oh the things they will be bringing along with them! The Farmer’s Wife can hardly contain herself. There will be Honey Bar Soaps and Jellies of the Pink (rose and rhubarb, of course!) and Red (rhubarb with a bit of heat) varieties, Wooly Dryer Balls and Pies (of course pies!) and cookies and scones. There will be smores kits of all the unusual varieties the Farmer’s Wife can imagine…

  • Farm Life

    In Which a cold and stormy night is spent

    Chicken Little settles herself in, fluffing her feathers just a bit. It is a good thing to be warm and in when one is a chicken. That is just what she’s thinking to herself when she hears the familiar calling. Oh brother, she thinks to herself, getting up slowly, her legs creaking a bit as she does. Not as young as I used to be. “What is it now?” she sqwalks. Some days it’s a real bother being the Queen Bee. Somedays she’s had just about enough. “ knees are aching,” comes the complaint as soon as Chicken Little makes her appearance. “Of coarse they are pea-brain,” she scolds, looking…

  • Farm Life

    Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down

    There are many trees that surround the Farm—especially in the very back, where the woods lies. At least there used to be. On their walk, the Farmer looks from one to the other. “I think our trees are dying.” His Wife frowns, but she sees the same thing as him. There are suckers at the base of most of their trees. Suckers means the trees are trying to find some way to live. So, they in-vest-igate. That very day.The Farmer does a search on the computer and shakes his head. He turns to his Wife. “Most of our trees are Ash, aren’t they?” She nods. The woods are full of…