Farm Life

Jonah McFaddin part 4: The Game

The parents sit one one side of the bleachers and the students on the other.

Jonah and the four others on his team run out onto the court bouncing balls on the ground and catching them. Brian and the four others from St. John (they’re the ones in the blue jerseys, in case you wanted to join the Farmer’s Wife in a little cheering-for-the-home-team).

Jonah tosses his head to the right and to the left, his golden locks flouncing in the breeze that’s been created by the movement.

All the girls squeal. And not just the ones from St. John’s. Oh, no. There are many more than many lined up on the bottom two rows.

He winks in their general direction and grabs a ball, bounces it twice, and shoots it at the basket. It sinks in with a satisfying swish.

The Farmer’s Wife rolls her eyes. Of course it does.

A loud buzzer sounds and the five from Jonah’s team line up to face the five from St. John’s. A second buzzer sounds and the only adult on the court throws a ball (they’re down to only one, now) up into the air, and Jonah and Brian jump up to reach for it.

But it’s Jonah who prevails. He grabs the ball and looks this way and that. Seeing no one as worthy as himself, he begins bouncing the ball on and off the floor, making his way towards the basket. He lifts his hands into the air (bringing the ball with them) and…SWISH…

In the ball goes, right into that basket.

The St. John’s section groans. But wait. Brian goes for the ball. He’s got it! He runs towards his own kind of basket, dribbling the ball this way and that.


And on and on it goes until another buzzer sounds and Jonah goes to the side, grabs a towel and wipes his face. He looks towards Hannah and winks, tossing the towel in her direction. She grabs it and holds it close to her heart.

The Farmer’s Wife rolls her eyes. Oh, brother!

“Jonah! Jonah! Jonah!” the crowd chants.

Hannah chants. Mae chants. Nadine chants.

Another buzzer sounds. Jonah takes a gulp from his water bottle. He winks, this time at Mae, tossing his empty bottle in her direction. She scrambles to retrieve it.

Hannah frowns. She towel drops from her hand onto the floor.

“Jonah!” Jonah!” Jonah!” Mae yells. Nadine yells. Hannah does not yell.

The Farmer’s Wife smiles, seeing that Hannah has figured out a few things all-by-herself.

(Oh. And St. John’s won the game and Jonah stomped and pouted all the way to the locker room).

The end.