Farm Life

Jonah McFaddin part 2: The Plan

Three girls pile into the back seat with Hannah up front. She quickly turns to face them.

“I brought a note to stick in Jonah’s locker.” Hannah waits for their reaction. It doesn’t take long.

Three squeals of delight sound from the back, Mae’s being the loudest. “Let me see it!”

Hannah hands them the Jonah Folder, in which is a folded piece of paper.

Mae reads it out loud, “Jonah- I like your eyes. And your hair. Love, A secret someone.

“Now,” Hannah instructs. “We need to watch him to see where his locker is, and once we find out…”

The four girls divide the jobs. One is needed to spy out the ‘lay of the land’ (a.k.a: see which locker he goes to), one to distract him from said locker (all of them want this job), and two are needed to slide the note into it’s place.

“Why do you need two people for that?” the Farmer’s Wife asks.

Four girls go silent and glare.

“…Anyway. Mae, your brother plays basketball, so it will be up to you for the first job. Nadine and Polly-you stick the note in. I’ll distract him.”

“Why do you get that job?” Mae asks.

“Because I wrote the note,” Hannah answers reasonably, and because it’s a truth no one can deny, each accept their assigned task.

Hannah turns back around. “It’s perfect!”

After driving through eight towns and a city, the Farmer’s Wife pulls into an already full parking lot. The girls groan. Are they too late?

Rest assured, girls, I see Jonah now; hair, eyes, and all and he’s on his way to his locker RIGHT NOW.

The girls scamper inside.