Farm Life

Going to Market

Yes. What you’ve heard is true. The Farmer’s Wife (along with her Hannah) will be headed off to Market this Spring/Summer. They will be going to The Next Town Over every other Sunday throughout the months of May through September. And oh the things they will be bringing along with them! The Farmer’s Wife can hardly contain herself. There will be Honey Bar Soaps and Jellies of the Pink (rose and rhubarb, of course!) and Red (rhubarb with a bit of heat) varieties, Wooly Dryer Balls and Pies (of course pies!) and cookies and scones. There will be smores kits of all the unusual varieties the Farmer’s Wife can imagine (right now she’s imagining lemon shortbread cookies, raspberry marshmallows, and white chocolate). And of course, there will be all the doodads and whatsits the Farmer’s Wife is famous for making. Oh. Yes. There will also be the fruits and veggies produced on the Farm in the season in which they come.

Now, the Farmer’s Wife is also working on Hannah to make a doodad or two herself in the way of paintings and other artsy related items. So, next time you see her tell her you’d love to see some of her work. Maybe together we can get her to paint a picture or two for us–something in the way of a chicken-perched-on-a-swing.

Now, before you go getting too excited, there is a bit of sad news. Much to the Farmer’s Wife’s disappointment, there will not be Sparkling Pink Drink served alongside those pies and scones, peaches and pears. The state in which she lives absolutely forbids it. But….she promises to have her perfectly red rhubarb (the kind that can and will only grow on the Farm) with her along with a recipe card, so that lovely beverage can still be had in the comfort and safety of your own home.

The Market will begin May 16th and–can you believe it–the Farmer’s Wife will be doing a reading of her book on that very day. Yes, indeed. I believe she’s chosen the first chapter, but I may be wrong. You’ll just have to come out to hear for yourself.

As far as what to expect should you come, I will be posting on the Friday prior all the goodies that are to be brought. Because, you see, the Farmer’s Wife never likes the same things twice, except for when she does. So, there may be some changes along the way as inspiration and tummy rumblings inspire.

Here’s a link to the Farmer’s Market itself: Please share with all you know, and make a point to come out often. The Farmer’s Wife enjoys a bit of visiting, even if there is no Sparkling Pink Drink to sip on as she does.