Farm Kitchen Recipes

Golden Blondies

There are many blondies running around and about the Farm (although not the Farmer, he’s stuck with the darkest of hair). Some are light while others are golden, like the sun shining down from the Heavens. And, despite the fact we love our chocolate here on the Farm, sometimes you have to have a good golden blond. Just ask the Farmer.  

And the very best thing about these brownies? They’re made in a saucepan and poured into a baking dish. Easy-peasy.

To start, take a quarter cup butter and a quarter cup virgin coconut oil and place in a large saucepan over medium heat until both are just melted. Take off the heat and stir in two cups brown sugar until all is soft and lovely. Add two eggs and a teaspoon vanilla and stir. Add one tablespoon turmeric powder, one teaspoon salt, one half teaspoon dried, ground ginger as well as Ceylon cinnamon of the same amount, a quarter teaspoon dried ground coriander, cayenne powder, and black pepper. To all this add two teaspoons baking powder and one and a half cups all purpose flour and stir well. This batter gets poured into a greased eight-inch square baking dish and set in a preheated three-hundred-and-fifty-degree oven for twenty-five minutes. Let cool and enjoy!


  • Kim Tait

    I am on a browned butter craze and look forward to trying this with it. And little is easier or tastier than browned butter on/in anything.