Going to Market Videos

Date Night Out: Scripts Juice

Sometimes Dates are taken off the Farm, and the other day was just such an occasion. Hannah and her Mother felt a celebration was called for (something about a book coming out), so off the Farm they went. Now, Lockport (the town near where the Farm calls home) has many nice places for such an adventure to be held and hosted, but none to Hannah’s liking quite so much as this place: Scripts Juice.

It was given that name because it has found its home right next to the old theater which graces Main Street. And yes it has Juice the kinds and types which make Hannah’s heart swoon. The Farmer’s Wife…not so much. You see, she despises that vile fruit called by the name of Banana (How can it even be a fruit, anyway? All mushy and gross?) and she’s not all that fond of Avocados, either. She’s never quite learned to trust a fruit or a vegetable that feels it must hide inside it’s shell. If you are a Juice or Smoothie fan, you will recognize that most combinations contain at least one, if not both, of those despicable atrocities.

The Farmer’s Wife and Hannah arrive and Hannah goes right to the counter. “So many choices!” she exclaims.

The Farmer’s Wife frowns. She grumbles. She finds One. One smoothie which contains neither a banana nor an avocado. “I’ll take the Gladiator,” she orders. “And a Tuity-Fruity Toast.” Oh! The toast! That is another matter all-together! It is house-baked sour dough, darkly toasted and slathered with freshly made and whipped ricotta cheese. On top of all that is set the right sort of fruit: strawberries, blueberries, and mango. This is all drizzled with local, raw honey and dusted with Ceylon cinnamon. And on top of that is sprinkled Chia….wait. The Farmer’s wife frowns. Now, why would they want to ruin a good slice of toast by coating it in crunchy bits just waiting to get stuck in your teeth and needing to be removed immediately in the most undignified of fashions? No. She will not have a bit of it. And she tells the woman behind the counter so.

The woman smiles and says that would be fine. Hannah rolls her eyes and orders a Fresh Pressed Sunny Morning Juice and an Avocado toast. Yes. yes, she does.

They take their seats by an open window looking out onto Main Street where breezes and quiet conversations can be felt, heard, and enjoyed. The dining area is a continuation of the kitchen, in an open-air, watch as I make your food type of way. It is decorated in black and white with wood paneling three quarters of the way up the wall, with wall paper making up the rest. The Farmer’s Wife either loves the paper or hates it. She’s not sure. Eventually she decides she loves it so much she wants some for the Farm. But not enough to place an order.

The Food and Drinks are set before Mother and Child who are left alone to enjoy both in silent rapture. The textures on the toast are simply amazing. The Smoothie satisfact-ory banana and avocado free. Hannah appears to enjoy hers as well, as only Heaven knows why. Doesn’t all that green goo make your toast mushy? When she’s asked as much she states she was thinking the same about the ricotta. Her mother humphs her reply and goes back to the silence and her toast.