Farm Kitchen Recipes

Hot Buttered Bourbon Bombs

It is true, all you’ve heard. The Farmer’s Wife does indeed enjoy her Bourbon. She likes it in caramels, on brownies, and occasionally in her glass. Especially if it happens to be of the inclement sort of weather just outside her doors. And when it is, this is how she takes it:

One and a half cup room temperature butter is creamed with the same measurements of sugar of the browned variety. To that is added two tablespoons ground cinnamon and one-half teaspoon each of nutmeg, cloves, and black pepper. This concoction is divided into tablespoon-sized portions in the way of a cookie scoop. These scoops are placed on a parchment-lined baking sheet and set in the freezer, just until they’re firm. Then, they’re placed in a freezer bag and returned to yes, you guessed it, the freezer. That way, anytime the Farmer’s Wife finds herself in need of this particular tonic, that need may be met and met quickly.

To finish the job, place one Buttered Bomb in a mug and add one shot of good Bourbon. The Farmer’s Wife is a bit partial to Woodford Reserve. It’s from a sweet little town in Kentucky that she just can’t get enough of. The town. Not the Bourbon.

I digress. Now, back to that drink. Don’t want to keep a good Farmer’s Wife waiting. Pour one cup boiling water over all, straight from the kettle. Stir gently, breathe in deeply, and feel that good stuff seep into all your deepest parts.

Now, for some variations, you could go with Rum instead of Bourbon. Nothing wrong with that. Even the Farmer’s Wife has been known to do that from time to time. And, especially in the Fall, when the Cider’s fresh and flowing, boiling that instead of the water certainly isn’t frowned on a bit, especially on a Farm where things like Cider and Fall go hand in hand.

Any way you take it, you’ll be sure to find this a warm, rejuvenating sort of brew.