Farm Life

Pardon the Interruption

in the normal posting that is said and done on this blog. You see, the Farmer and his Wife, the whole family in fact, is not at home. They are celebrating a Party twenty-five years in the making. Yes. You have guessed it right. Twenty-five years ago, to the very day, the Farmer and his Wife came to be. They said their yes-s and I do-s and death has not parted them.

And how does a Farmer and his Wife and their family celebrate so momentous an occasion? With a hike in the woods and a dinner and a cake, made by their very own Hannah. Oh! And to finish it all of, they (all of them) are watching the Video–the one of the day in the church where they said the words. Yes, that one. It was a bit of a bugger finding an old machine to play it, but find it they did, and now their children get to see how and why a Family is made.

Until tomorrow then.