Christmas on the Farm,  Farm Kitchen Recipes

The Christmas Beverages

Christmas. For the Farmer and his Family, Christmas lasts some thirty-one days, or as some like to call it, the month of December. Hannah did try to squeeze it into November a bit, but the Farmer was firm. Not until after Thanksgiving. And so the day after, the very next one, Hannah had the boxes out and the music blaring. You know, the Christmas-ee kind. The Farmer’s Wife submitted a Complaint. And she was sure she had the Farmer’s support. At least that was until she went to look for him. Yes, that’s him you see there up on that ladder. Hanging those lights.

And apparently the Farmer and his Family aren’t the only ones. From the drives they’ve been taking, it’s plain to see many of you have hung out your lights as well.

So, the Farmer’s Wife threw up her hands and just gave in. The nuts were ordered (the ones with the shells still on, perfect for long conversations as attempts at cracking are made) and the teas. The same teas are enjoyed each Christmas on the Farm and these are Christmas Morning and Christmas in Paris, both by Stash Teas. I’m sure you have them where you live, if not they may be ordered wherever such things are. For the coffee, no ordering was necessary, although a trip was planned and made by both the Farmer’s Wife and Hannah, who insisted on taking part in this years selections.

Because, you see, the Farm is blessed to be by one of the if not the best coffee roasters in the world. And they always have ample varieties to chose from. And choose they do. Eggnog and Mistletoe, Christmas Truffle and Santa’s Cookies; Hannah grabbed them all. The Farmer’s Wife lingered by those of the single origin sort. She has a soft spot in her heart for the Costa Rica. Whole beans. Yes,. the Farmer’s Wife is a bit of a coffee snob. But when you come to see her and she sets a cup of steaming hot goodness before you, rich and true, you will see the error is all yours. Or just get some for yourself. Here is the link:

Now, about the hot chocolate. Hannah dared (yes, dared) to pick up a packet of that while she and her Mother were at the Roasters. This looks good, she had said. Scorching silence followed. Hannah slowly replaced the Imposter Beverage under her Mother’s intense stare. Because what you may not know, but Hannah certainly does, is that the Farmer’s Wife makes her own hot chocolate and it is the very-best-in-the-world. There’s a jar of it in their fridge this very minute in fact, all ready to be warmed and enjoyed.

Now, there is no website I can refer you to for that. No place you can buy the velvety, chocolatey goodness that is the Farmer’s Wife’s very secret and very best hot chocolate. But rest assured. I have spoken with her and convinced her of your very pressing need and she has promised she will share that very recipe here tomorrow.