keeping the farm home

Tis the Season

The Farm is frozen, lulled to sleep for a time. All work outside is stilled, except for those necessary things such as feeding and caring for the animals and hanging Christmas lights. That has become the Farmer’s new hobby–Christmas light hanging.

There is a different pace this time of year, even in our homeschool. A nice routine has developed, different from last year and from than one we’ll fall into during the next. Each year is like that; with its own personality and inclinations. Just as each season is. Different. Unique.

This year and season both feel a bit reflective. There’s time we aren’t used to having. Hobbies we’re not used to pursuing. Relationships we’re not used to deepening.

But that’s for the good. And we all know for every good there’s its opposite. This year and season have also been lonely. Buried insecurities have risen from the (thought-to-be) dead. Friendships have ended. True colors exposed. Faith tested.

Many years ago, a family member shook their head at me, saying in disgust: “You are blissfully unaware.” That phrase has been repeated numerous times in different ways, so it must be true. And I believe it is. But I have renamed it: Hopefully Optimistic.

That’s really annoying to some people, I know. Those who call themselves “Realists” –notice no one actually admits to being a pessimist. They see the world for what it is. I see it for what God can and is doing with it and us. I see hope.

I see the Farmer stringing Christmas lights on a Windmill for all our closed-in neighbors to see and enjoy.