Christmas on the Farm,  Farm Kitchen Recipes

Da’Bomb Cookies

Some of the recipes the Farmer’s Wife makes came from a cookbook, but didn’t stay that way. You see, she tweaks them. Adds a little of this. Switches out a little of that. And in the end, she has a whole new thing.

And some recipes she out-right steals.

“Why that’s a very good cookie,” she might say, taking a bite.

“Yes, it is,” answers her friend, her neighbor, her co-worker. “I’ve been making them just this way for years.”

The Farmer’s Wife smiles her sweetest and asks, by chance, if they will give her the recipe.

What follows is a bit of coughing, a dash of explaining, a ‘why-I-can-make- them-for-you-anytime-you-like,’ and all other such things.

The Farmer’s Wife simply smiles, takes another bite, this time for real. She tastes the chocolate. The peanut butter chips. And is that cinnamon? Yes, cinnamon. And before the bite has a chance to be swallowed, she has it all.

This cookie is of that sort.

First, you take a stick of softened butter and whip it with a half-cup brown sugar and a half-cup white. Add to that an egg and let it go a bit in your mixer. In a separate dish, stir together one tablespoon Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey (the Farmer’s Wife may have improvised a bit here) a half teaspoon baking soda and a quarter teaspoon salt.

Once it is mixed, add it to the butter/sugars/egg mixture, again, letting it whip a bit. While it is, stir together in a separate bowl one cup flour, half-cup cocoa powder, three quarters cup peanut butter chips and three quarters cup mini chocolate chips. Add the dry ingredients to the wet and combine until just mixed.

Now, in another separate bowl (I apologize for making a bunch of dishes for you, but trust me, these cookies are worth it.) mix together a quarter cup white sugar and a tablespoon ground cinnamon. Scoop out your dough and roll them into balls all about the same size and shape. The Farmer’s Wife uses a tablespoon scooper, just to make sure. Then, roll each into the cinnamon/sugar mixture, making sure they’re coated. Bake in a three hundred and fifty degree oven, just until the top shows sign of cracking, about seven minutes, if you make them the size the Farmer’s Wife does. You have to watch these, with all that sugar it’s really easy to burn them. And then they’re ruined.

But if you manage to get them out in time, trust me, these cookies are da’ bomb!

A View of the Farm from the Kitchen door.