Farm Kitchen Recipes

Chocolateee Chip Cookies

The Farmer’s Wife is asked to make these every day, and once a week or so, she says yes. Because, you see, they are everyone’s fa-vor-ite. And it’s because these are no ordinary chocolate chip cookies, no, these are:

Chocolateee Chip Cookies

To make them, the Farmer’s Wife takes 1/2 cup softened butter and mixes it with 1/2 cup of sugar, both in the brown and white variety (as in 1/2 cup of each). Now she doesn’t just mix them, she beats them fine until all is light and fluffy. To that she adds one room temperature egg and beats it some more, somewhere in the way of three minutes.

Now, here’s where it starts to get a bit different. While that’s whipping away, she takes a tablespoon vanilla and adds to it 1/2 tsp baking soda and 1/4 tsp salt and stirs it real good until it’s nice and creamy. Once it is, that goes in with the butter mixture. Just make sure you turn down your beating a bit first, or you’ll be wearing the stuff.

It should be looking good right about now, but you’re only getting started. Here’s where you add the chocolate. The Farmer’s Wife uses mini chocolate chips–because she likes to make sure each bite is as chocolateee as can be. And she adds it now, along with the flour, so it gets a chance to get mixed all in, and because doing it this way makes it so flecks of the chocolate break off, making these cookies even more chocolateee.

Oh, yes, the flour. That’s 1 and 1/2 cups, and it has to be all-purpose. The Farmer’s Wife has tried all kinds, and has found the all-purpose to be the best. And the chocolate chips are 1/2 a bag, or one cup. That gets put in with the butter mixture, while it’s sitting as still as can be. Very slowly turn your mixer or beater, or spoon on. Trust me. The Farmer’s Wife has learned this the hard way. Flour will go everywhere if you don’t take it slow. And short. You only want to just mix this stuff. Once it starts to look like dough, stop your stirring.

The Farmer’s Wife then drops the dough onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet using a cookie scoop. She’s found that the medium sized scoop works best, but use whatever you’d like.

Now some may just put their pan in the oven and leave, but the Farmer’s Wife can’t. Becuase, you see, there is one thing her Family likes more than Chocolatee Chip Cookies, and that is Chocolatee Chip Cookie Dough, and if she turns away, even for a second, they’ll gobble it all up.

She’s learned that the hard way, too.

So, once she places the cookie sheet into the 350 degree preheated oven, she stands guard, egg-lifter in hand, ready to smack any and all who sneak a nibble or bite or on occasion, the entire bowl.

Do you see him there? Yes, him. The Farmer; thinking he’s all sneaky. He’s the worst of them all when it comes to dough-snatching. He’s trying to make it look like he’s just getting a glass of milk.

Fear not. The Farmer’s Wife is on to him. Because what goes better with a glass of cold milk than a spoon-full of dough? IF you know something, please, do tell, because I certainly don’t.

Ah. There he goes. He’s making his move. A sly one, that Farmer, waiting until his Wife is reaching in the oven to take out the first pan-full of warm, just-barely-browned-on-the-edges-but-still-gooey-in-the-middle cookies. Now her egg lifter is busy and so are both her hands! He steals a heaping spoonful and goes to make his escape.

But wait.

He stops. But whatever for?

Ah. I see. The Farmer’s Wife has tricks of her own. She knows, as well as you and I, that nothing is more irresistible than a fresh, warm cookie.

He grabs a couple and his Wife laughs as she shoos him out of her kitchen.