Farm Life,  Going to Market Videos

To Home school or not Home school? That is the question.

Over the course of days and months and years many have asked the Farmer’s Wife why she should choose to home-school her children, especially lately, when so many are taking the notion into consideration.

And to each and now to you as well, she gives the same answer. “It’s a question we ourselves ask each year.” And that is true. Each year a family meeting is held, where it is decided if home-schooling is still the best choice for their family. Some years it’s not.

This year it was. And here is why:

People who are making decisions about school–how to have it, or even if to have it keep changing their minds. One day kids are allowed in school, the next they’re not. And it’s the feeling in general on the Farm that consistency, especially when it comes to raising kids, is best.

On the Farm, there’s no deciding if there’s going to be school or not. Because there, it’s always school time. Now, it may not always look how you’d expect. They’re not all locked up in the house, noses stuck in books–although the Farmer’s Wife would enjoy that! They’re out and about, each learning in their own way. Maybe something in the way of fixing a pie, or building an engine. At the Farm, being a life-long learner is the priority–always has been, always will be. And I guess that’s the real secret to homeschooling–that it’s not just the kids who are doing it. The Farmer and his Wife? They’re learning right along side.

So, it that kind of life sounds good to you–the freedom to learn and let learn, then bring up home-schooling at your next family meeting. You might be surprised who’s on board.

(And if you do decide to home-school, don’t be shy about asking a question or two. At the Farm, they’re always happy to help anyone.)

Life Lesson: Wisdom Begins In Wonder–Socrates


  • Ann E Perno

    I decided to homeschool this year as well because of safety and consistency! We are enjoying our time together, a true gift!

    • The Farmer's Wife

      Yes! I’m so glad to hear that, although I have no idea what St. John’s is doing without the two of you!