Farm Life

What Half a Century Looks Like

Today, yes, this very day is the Farmer’s Birthday! And not just any birthday, today the Farmer has been on this earth five decades, indeed, a half a century.

And how does one celebrate such a momentous occasion on the Farm?

Any way the Farmer wants.

What that looks like is simply this: If the Farmer wants to sleep in, he will. If he wants to get up with the Chickens, he can. If he wants to make cookies and pies and eat them in his p.js, that’s fine, too (doubtful, but fine).

Basically, stating, no plans have been made. No celebrations, no parties, no gatherings. When the Farmer’s Wife mentioned such things, the Farmer scoffed, saying many a man turns fifty, but not many a man celebrates being married to his lovely bride for twenty-five years, which as you know, is coming later this same year. That is worth celebrating.

The Farmer’s Wife disagrees. Yes, twenty-five years of marriage is a very good thing, and certainly worth a party or five, but a man who would say such a thing? He is worth celebrating as well.

So our hats and our boots off to you! You are our very fa-vor-ite!

Life Lesson: Real Love is this: thinking of others more than you think of yourself.

*The cover picture on this post is the work of Jessica Gadra, and used with her permission.